What can project managers learn from COVID-19?

working remotely

When the COVID-19 pandemic reared its head, engineering projects around that world were in full gear. As governments implemented lockdowns some projects ground to a halt while others were significantly scaled back.

As timelines for project became jeopardized, project managers had to improvise and find alternative methods to get their work done, all while assuring the safety of workers.

As lockdown orders were slowly eased, managers and workers had to prepare mentally for return to job sites. From a management point of view, this unprecedented crisis became an accelerator of managerial transformations and is an opportunity to reinvent management.

For starters, managers had to quickly learn how to use internet based meeting applications to conduct meetings from a distance. This involuntary learning has been done in a hurry, under stress and sometimes even painfully. Such a drastic change in our work habits could only be made under duress.

In a matter of days, managers found themselves working remotely, confined to their homes, and in workspaces (dining room table, sofa, kitchen counter) that are not necessarily suitable for work. This is in addition to competing with other occupants of the home who had to resort to the same method of work.

Managerial maturity

Despite the digital transformation that organizations were forced to make, managers had to clearly distinguish between digital maturity and managerial maturity. Faced with a sudden, brutal and full-time shift to remote work, it was quickly learned that managerial intelligence and maturity had to be given primary focus.

New Work Protocols

Where possible, teams carrying out the physical work had to be broken up into smaller groups and assigned different shifts so that multiple people won’t have to come into contact with each other. Notwithstanding, new protocols had to be adopted at job sites and these have to be continuously monitored to ensure compliance and enhancement where required.

Site Visits

In the realm of engineering, site visits are an integral part of managing projects. While these are necessary, intervals between visits may be extended where possible and time spent at the site reduced to the minimum necessary amount to ensure that all checks are made to verify conformity with plans.

Sizwe Jackson Consultants have implemented the use of drones to help with site inspection and supervision. 


  • Over the past months, we have come to understand that working remotely is not the same as working face-to-face.
  • We have learned through this crisis to work and manage differently.
  • Involuntary learning can be done in a hurry, under stress and sometimes even painfully.
  • Humans are resilient and can drastically change work habits under duress.

According to Sizwe Jackson, “we are living the new normal and that for any business to survive and grow in this digital age you need an online presence and a robust virtual office.”